Article: 5 facts about The Human microbiota you may have not known

Humans live in a mutualistic relationship with trillions of microorganisms found on our skin, nose, mouth, digestive tract, and in our urogenital area. This is known as the human microbiota. This microbiota is composed of...


Article: Melatonin: The unsung hero of cancer prevention

Sleep is an activity that is common to all animals and is vital to our survival. Getting a good night's rest allows us to not just have a good day but it also benefits our overall health. Getting 7 hours of sleep every night is associated with good heart health ...


Article: 5 facts about The Human microbiota you may have not known

Humans live in a mutualistic relationship with trillions of microorganisms found on our skin, nose, mouth, digestive tract, and in our urogenital area. This is known as the human microbiota. This microbiota is composed of...


Article: 5 facts about The Human microbiota you may have not known

Humans live in a mutualistic relationship with trillions of microorganisms found on our skin, nose, mouth, digestive tract, and in our urogenital area. This is known as the human microbiota. This microbiota is composed of...


Article: 5 facts about The Human microbiota you may have not known

Humans live in a mutualistic relationship with trillions of microorganisms found on our skin, nose, mouth, digestive tract, and in our urogenital area. This is known as the human microbiota. This microbiota is composed of...


Article: 5 facts about The Human microbiota you may have not known

Humans live in a mutualistic relationship with trillions of microorganisms found on our skin, nose, mouth, digestive tract, and in our urogenital area. This is known as the human microbiota. This microbiota is composed of...


Article: 5 facts about The Human microbiota you may have not known

Humans live in a mutualistic relationship with trillions of microorganisms found on our skin, nose, mouth, digestive tract, and in our urogenital area. This is known as the human microbiota. This microbiota is composed of...


Article: 5 facts about The Human microbiota you may have not known

Humans live in a mutualistic relationship with trillions of microorganisms found on our skin, nose, mouth, digestive tract, and in our urogenital area. This is known as the human microbiota. This microbiota is composed of...


Article: 5 facts about The Human microbiota you may have not known

Humans live in a mutualistic relationship with trillions of microorganisms found on our skin, nose, mouth, digestive tract, and in our urogenital area. This is known as the human microbiota. This microbiota is composed of...


Article: 5 facts about The Human microbiota you may have not known

Humans live in a mutualistic relationship with trillions of microorganisms found on our skin, nose, mouth, digestive tract, and in our urogenital area. This is known as the human microbiota. This microbiota is composed of...


Article: 5 facts about The Human microbiota you may have not known

Humans live in a mutualistic relationship with trillions of microorganisms found on our skin, nose, mouth, digestive tract, and in our urogenital area. This is known as the human microbiota. This microbiota is composed of...


Article: 5 facts about The Human microbiota you may have not known

Humans live in a mutualistic relationship with trillions of microorganisms found on our skin, nose, mouth, digestive tract, and in our urogenital area. This is known as the human microbiota. This microbiota is composed of...


Article: 5 facts about The Human microbiota you may have not known

Humans live in a mutualistic relationship with trillions of microorganisms found on our skin, nose, mouth, digestive tract, and in our urogenital area. This is known as the human microbiota. This microbiota is composed of...



About 30% of Americans suffer from insomnia. It is important to know what causes insomnia as well as insomnia symptoms as this will help the sufferer seek help in a timely manner. Fortunately, sleep insomnia is curable and improves with treatment.


What is Diabetes and How Can You Prevent It

There are two kinds of diabetes: type 1 and type 2. Although Type 1 is unpreventable, Type 2 can be prevented through easy lifestyle changes.


5 facts about the human microbiota that you may not know

We have more microorganisms living on and inside us than we have cells. This knowledge may make us shudder but these microscopic creepy crawlies help our bodies in more ways than we know.


Melatonin: The unsung hero of cancer prevention

Melatonin is commonly understood to be the hormone that makes us sleepy. New research is discovering that melatonin plays a key role in preventing cancer as well.